All32 Graphic Design7 Web Design23 HTML/CSS/JS27 PHP/MySQL2 Python5
Design and production of printing and related products. A lot of work has been done in 10 months, here you can see just some examples of my work. Business cards, booklets, posters, banners, stickers.
Also, there was a lot of technical work on prepress, packaging design, design, printing and production of factory tables and road signs, etc.
Graphic Designer
Nowa Ruda, Poland
March 2022 – March 2023
My role was to receive car photos from a photo studio, remove background, adjust geometry, size, colors and upload resulting images to the corporate CMS system by Intel. Then I tested updated website pages and reported weekly to the head office.
Web Designer
Kyiv, Ukraine
May 2008*
There was a lot of approval iterations – the project owner had his own view to the design, so my role was to provide "skillful hands" and do huge amount of possible and impossible variations. Vector graphics, font customizations.
Web Designer
Kyiv, Ukraine
March 2008*
BOX'n'GO Storage
It was a task "on the fly", because I was the only designer in the DD Global East (new Softheme) outsourcing company at 2006-2007, which had a contract with this startup to launch online business, and I worked for 3 or more projects at the same time. Anyway, the result was sutisfying and they still use it with slight changes.
Online: demo
Web Designer
Kyiv, Ukraine
October 2006* – Ukrainian hosting provider
Here was implemented the interesting concept of hosting servers which looks like city skyscrapers and connections above them. Later, they slightly changed the logo, but I think in a bad way, because the original idea was lost.
Online: demo
Freelance Designer
June 2006*
It was a non trivial task, because this insurance company had a multilingual names (english, ukrainian and russian) and the graphic logo had to match all spellings. The aim was to express: stability, security and long term benefit. In addition, after some researches, the decision was made to make the logo geometric, clean and simple (to follow market trends).
Also, in this company I was involved in advertising strategy and campaign planning. I designed all print ads (business cards, leaflets, posters, banners), corporate style and logo design. Unfortunately, over the so many years I lost examples, except the logo.
Insurance Company "BONUS"
Graphic Designer, Creative Consultant
Kyiv, Ukraine
April 2004*
Hand drawn vector graphic of fairy house and font customization. It was my ex-wife's project, so I also did website design and complete PHP coding. Unfortunately, no other screenshots of this project have been saved.
Freelance Designer
September 2006*
* Please, keep in mind that dates are for keeping general chronological order and can be not entirely accurate (plus/minus a couple of months).